AATCC is the world’s leading not-for-profit association serving textile professionals since 1921. AATCC is headquartered in Research Triangle Park, N.C., USA, providing test method development, quality control materials, and professional networking for thousands of members in 60 countries throughout the world.
These goals are achieved through the activities of our three interest groups - Chemical Applications, Concept 2 Consumer®, and Materials - by our Committee and Section activities, and through our award-winning magazine and peer-reviewed journal,AATCC Review.

ASTM International

Textile Standards ASTM International is one of the largest voluntary standards development organizations in the world-a trusted source for technical standards for materials, products, systems, and services. Known for their high technical quality and market relevancy, ASTM International standards have an important role in the information infrastructure that guides design, manufacturing and trade in the global economy. Committee D13 ASTM Committee D13 on Textiles was formed in 1914. D13 meets twice a year, in January and June, with approximately 100 members attending three days of technical meetings. The Committee has 535 members and currently has jurisdiction of 339 standards, published in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volumes 7.01 and 7.02.

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About Me

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Madras, India
A textile technologist, chemist to be more precise. Have taken up responsibilities with AATCC and ASTM International to provide technical and support services to members and member prospects. Involved in QA systems implementation for Textile producers. Work with some of the top rated technicians in the world. We are Rated very highly Globally. I share my knowledge and experience ( Episteme and Techne)with the industry. Conduct Training programs for AATCC and ASTM Intl. In addition design and deliver tailor made programs and deliver lectures. Love to drive in search of desolate and exotic locations, where the air is clean , water in pure and nature is still natural. Ironically I Love gadgets and gizmo's and experimenting with new hardware and software. Life is not perfect , but it is interesting. Imperfections make life worth living. A perfect system is no challenge to the body , mind and soul.

Blog Archive


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

ISO and EN Standards Watch

35 New Standards

  1. EN ISO 9073-16:2008  Textiles. Test methods for nonwovens. Part 16: Determination of resistance to penetration by water (hydrostatic pressure).
  2. EN ISO 5398-2:2009 Leather. Chemical determination of chromic oxide content. Part 2: Quantification by colorimetric determination.
  3. EN ISO 14116:2008 Protective clothing. Protection against heat and flame. Limited flame spread materials, material assemblies and clothing.
  4. ISO 26987:2008 Resilient floor coverings. Determination of staining and resistance to chemicals.
  5. EN 15619:2008 Rubber or plastic coated fabrics. Safety of temporary structures. (tents). Specification for coated fabrics intended for tents and related structures.
  6. BS 8493:2008 Light reflectance value (LRV) of a surface. Method of test.
  7. EN 15613:2008  Knee and elbow protectors for indoor sports. Safety requirements and test methods.
  8. ISO 27727:2008  Rubber, vulcanized. Measurement of fatigue crack growth rate.
  9. ISO 23231:2008 Textiles. Determination of dimensional change of fabrics. Accelerated machine method.
  10. EN ISO 17491-3:2008 Protective clothing. Test method for clothing providing protection against chemicals. Determination of resistance to penetration by a jet of liquid (jet test).
  11. EN 15598:2008 Textiles. Terry fabrics. Test method for the determination of the resistance to pile loop extraction.
  12. EN 15570:2008 Hardware for furniture. Strength and durability of hinges and their components. Hinges pivoting on a vertical axis.

  13. BS 8509:2008 Children’s beds for domestic use. Safety requirements and test methods.
  14. BS EN 15586:2008 Textiles. Methods of testing the fiber proof properties of fabrics. Rubbing test.
  15. BS 8509:2008 Children's beds for domestic use. Safety requirements and test methods.
  16. EN 15338:2007 Hardware for furniture. Strength and durability of extension elements and their components.

  17. EN 15586:2008 Textiles. Methods of testing the fiber proof properties of fabrics: Rubbing test.

  18. EN 15372:2008 Furniture. Strength, durability and safety. Requirements for non-domestic tables.
  19. EN ISO 9073-18:2008 Textiles. Test methods for nonwovens. Part 18: Determination of breaking strength and elongation of nonwoven materials using the grab tensile test.
  20. EN ISO 9073-15:2008 Textiles. Test methods for nonwovens. Part 15: Determination of air permeability.
  21. ISO 13506:2008 Protective clothing against heat and flame. Test method for complete garments. Prediction of burn injury using an instrumented manikin.
  22. EN ISO 12127-2: 2007 Clothing for protection against heat and flame. Determination of contact heat transmission through protective clothing or constituent materials. Part 2: Test method using contact heat produced by dropping small cylinders.
  23. EN 1149-5:2008 Protective clothing. Electrostatic properties. Part 5: Material performance and design requirements.
  24. ISO 23996:2007 Resilient floor coverings. Determination of density.
  25. EN ISO 23910:2007 Leather. Physical and mechanical tests. Measurement of stitch tear resistance.
  26. ISO 18695:2007 Textiles. Determination of resistance to water penetration. Impact penetration test.
  27. ISO 17751:2007 Textiles. Quantitative analysis of animal fibers by microscopy. Cashmere, wool, specialty fibers and their blends.
  28. EN ISO 17075:2007 Leather. Chemical tests. Determination of Chromium VI content.
  29. EN 15494:2007 Candles. Product safety labels.
  30. EN 15426:2007 Candles. Specification for sooting behavior.
  31. ISO 11611:2007 Protective clothing for use in welding and allied processes.
  32. EN ISO 26082:2007 Leather. Physical and mechanical tests. Determination of soiling with rubbing for automotive leather.
  33. ISO 23997:2007 Resilient floor coverings. Determination of mass per unit area.
  34. EN 15493:2007 Candles. Specification for fire safety.
  35. EN ISO 8307:2007 Flexible cellular polymeric materials. Determination of resilience by ball rebound.

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